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8 days to undo 8 years.
Author: Raine    Date: 10/27/2008 12:29:49

8 days, everyone... 8 days to undo 8 long years of a failure of epic proportions.

Take a deep breath... close your eyes. Exhale. Allow yourself to believe that this can happen. Allow yourself to dream. Do you remember what it was like to imagine possibility? Pause. Breath again. Exhale. Open your eyes. Yes, the world is still here. Watching. We have 8 days to tell the world that we can do this, yes we can.

Each day will be more desperate than the next from the McCain/Palin ticket. It will get nastier and uglier. I can promise you that. However, we have all battled thru an extraordinary primary season, we have fought and disagreed and come back together again. It didn't just make our candidate stronger, it made us stronger too. Tired, yes. Weary, yes, suspicious yes... but stronger and more well informed than we were in years past.

Barack Obama has shown us over the past 2 years that he is the person best suited for the Office of President of the United States. Many of us on this blog did not choose Senator Obama as a first choice. Obama, however, led by example -- calm cool pragmatic and steady. In doing so, he has won over the hearts and minds of many new supporters. The Democratic party seems to be more united than ever before. Imagine what Barack can do for this country. That will be important as in the next 8 days, the nominee of the GOP will be showing the kind of leadership he wants for, and will give to, this country.

I don't think I need to tell you about that. This blog has often written on the subject of the erratic, negative, angry, nonsensical, divisive nature of John Sydney McCain and the insane meglomania of his VP nominee. This week, as they attack Senator Obama, I predict they will further attack themselves. Make no mistake, it will be mirrored in their supporters. As leaders go, so go those who chose them. We have seen that sharp contrast between the 2 parties magnified in the past few weeks.

So... in the next week, when things get too much... And you are feeling burnt out, tired, angry frustrated and just plain over it...Take a deep breath... close your eyes. Exhale. Take comfort that you are not alone.

We made it this far, together... This man has shown us how to weather a storm. If Senator Obama can do this for nearly 2 years, we can surely get thru 8 short days, one day at a time, together. That's not hope, that is a promise. Plus, in case you didn't notice, we are winning. Now is the time to keep the resolve, and take it to the finish line.

8 days to start undoing 8 years.
Yes. We. Can.

:peace: and :heart:


180 comments (Latest Comment: 10/28/2008 07:53:41 by Scoopster)
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